We provide day care facilities exclusively for Leiden University. One of the child’s parents or carers must study at or work for Leiden University or one of its affiliated institutions. If there are enough places available, children of parents working for the LUMC may also be eligible. A place with us must be for at least two days a week and for a minimum period of four months.
You can apply:
Children will be put on a waiting list in the order of the date when the application form is received. Second and subsequent children from one family will be given priority.
When there is a place for you, you will receive an offer for this place showing the days that are available and the start date. If you would like to accept the offer, you will receive placement agreement by digital signature and when you have signed you agree to the General Terms and Conditions for Child Care and de Kattekop’s additional terms and conditions. Three weeks before the start date, we will contact you again to arrange an introduction meeting and two days for your child to come in and adjust to the day care centre.
Would you like to swap a day? That’s fine, if there is room, within the same week or within the two weeks prior to or after the day you wish to swap. You can request the swap by using the online parents’ portal three weeks in advance.
It could be that you need an extra day. If there is enough room within the group, that’s fine. You will receive an invoice for it. You can request a one-off extra day via the online parents’ portal. If you wish to permanently change the number of days your child attends the day care centre, please send an email to our administration department.
Cancelling a place before the start date: Any cancellation must be done in writing or by email. We have a notice period of one month. In case of cancellation more than one month before the start date, € 100.- administration costs will be charged.
The contract ends when a child reaches school age: When a child is four years old, the placement is automatically cancelled. Exceptions to this rule are possible, if there is room within the group: when a child turns four in the summer vacation and can’t go directly to school, for example. This decision will be made by the day care centre’s management.
Ending the contract before a child reaches school age: Ending the contract should be done in writing or by email addressed to the manager. There is a one month notice period.
Your link with Leiden University comes to and end: Your child can continue to make use of the day care centre until it is four years old. If a new brother or sister is born, they can also make use of the day care centre, if he/she uses the daycare at the same time.
De Kattekop’s hourly rate for 2025 is € 10,25. The government reimburses up to € 10,71 per hour (2025 price level). The day care centre is open for 11 hours a day. One day per week is 47,75 hours per month. The gross cost for one day per month is € 4,89- (rounded up to the nearest Euro).
This amount is a gross amount; the actual cost will be someone less because of your childcare allowance.
The Dutch Tax Authority provides parents with an allowance for the cost of childcare: the Childcare Allowance (Kinderopvangtoeslag in Dutch).
You will receive this allowance directly from the Tax Authority (Belastingdienst in Dutch) every month and it is takes into account your income, the number of hours that you make use of the day care centre and the hourly rate. The terms and conditions of what you are due to are set out on the Tax Authority’s website.
De Kattekop is registered at the National Register under number 122073678.
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