We think it is important that children:
There are four groups: two groups for the youngest children (infants) and two toddler groups. There are three permanent staff members per group. They are the parents’ regular point of contact. Every day, in the groups for the youngest children, there are twelve children between the ages of 8 weeks to 2 years old. In the toddler groups, a maximum of sixteen children aged between 2 and 4 years old come every day. Through this group structure we are able to offer the youngest children the peace and quiet that they need at this stage of their development, and the toddlers have plenty of room to play and take part in activities to develop their (motor) skills. The move from the group for the youngest children to the toddler group is done in stages.
We ensure that there is a trusted, safe environment. One of the conditions for good development is that a child gets the feeling that they are allowed to be there. Our staff members make sure of this through their interactions when they are taking care of the children, during the different activities, and when they are playing: all day long. This will give your child the utmost chance to develop.
The older infants like to wander around from one place to another and love to move about a lot. They also need new challenges, such as playing in the dolls’ corner, in the play kitchen, with a paint easel, or in the building block corner. They can do all of these things in our playroom next door.
In the toddler group the children are already more independent and can do a lot on their own. The children start to be interested in one another, they learn how to play together and to take each other into consideration.
We use a programme called ‘Peuterpraat’ (Toddler Talk). Language and speaking development is a very important part of this programme. The focus is on communication, having fun when talking, increasing vocabulary and understanding words. The programme makes use of different themes that toddlers can associate with.
Each age group has its own rhythm. As a baby doesn’t yet sleep or eat at regular times, we try to stick to the same rhythm that they are used to at home.
As children get older, their rhythm becomes more regular and they can increasingly follow the daily routine of the rest of the group. We discuss with you how and when this should be done.
A regular daily routine for infants and the toddlers creates a safe, familiar feeling. And that is needed for a child to be able to develop.
Reading to the children is one of the priorities of our policy. Reading to the children is important for their language development. Reading out loud creates a nice atmosphere and a feeling of togetherness. We read to the children in both the infant and the toddler groups very often, with the emphasis on just how enjoyable reading is. De Kattekop works very closely with BplusC and is a certified user of Boekstart.
The children go outside every day, even in the autumn and winter, weather permitting. They run around, cycle, play with sand and water, feel the wind and the rain on their faces. De Kattekop has two lovely, spacious, natural outside spaces, just outside the indoor playrooms.
At half past eleven we serve a nice warm meal to all children above 1 year old. The meals meet all the recommendations of the Dutch Nutrition Centre (Voedingscentrum) and the HACCP (food safety) norms, and they have very little sugar and salt.
We offer a varied menu every week: meat (without pork), fish or vegetarian. The meals are regularly organic. We take specific diets into account. Depending on the diet, we may ask you to provide the food, or some of the food.
A sandwich lunch is also an option.
At de Kattekop each child has its own mentor. Usually, this is the staff member that the child sees the most. The mentor monitors the development and the well-being of the mentor child and discusses this during the annual parent’s meeting.
De Kattekop has a pedagogical coach. The coach supports the individual staff members in how they do their work.
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